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Helping where we can


Food Assistance


We receive bread from a distributor almost every day.  This is available to anyone and there is no limit and no requirements.

Food Pantry

Once a month, Maury County residents can receive food from our pantry.  We give out meat, dairy, canned food, snacks and hygiene items like soap, shampoo, and toilet paper.  You must be a Maury County resident and provide a picture ID.  If the picture ID does not have a Maury County address, you must provide recent mail to verify you are a Maury County Resident.  The food pantry is open Tuesday through Friday 9-4.

   Homeless Food Bags

   Homeless individuals can receive special      

   food bags designed for people living on the


Financial Assistance

Rent or Utility Assistance

Maury County residents who need help paying their rent and utilities can receive assistance one time a year.  There is no income limit, but you must have “a need”.  To receive assistance, call 931.388.3840 and make an appointment with Lisa.  You will need to bring ID, SS card, proof of income and benefits received and the utility bill or lease agreement.

Eyeglass Assistance

Maury County residents who need help paying for eyeglasses can receive assistance one time a year.  We help 15 people a quarter.  To be on the list, you must be one of the first 15 callers on the first Friday of March, June, September, and December.  You will need to bring ID, SS card, proof of income for your interview.

Medication Assistance

Maury County residents who need help paying for medication can receive assistance one time a year.  We will pay up to $250.00 on medication (No narcotics or pain medicine). It does not matter if you have insurance or do not.  To receive assistance, call Lisa at 931.388.3840 to make an appointment.  You must be willing to transfer your prescription to the pharmacy we use. 


Homeless Assistance

Permanent Housing

We have several grants that allow us to help homeless individuals and families find permanent housing.  We do not do hotel rooms!  Assistance will depend on the grants and each person’s situation. 

Tents, Blankets, Sleeping Bags

We keep a stockpile of items our homeless need to stay warm in the winter. You must be working with a homeless coordinator to receive these items.


We have a shower available for anyone to use that are homeless or without water.  We provide towels and shampoo/soap if needed.


Homeless individuals have the ability to wash clothing at our facility.  It is limited, please call before you come.

Other Services

Back Packs

We provide Maury County students with a backpack and various school supplies.  You must be a Maury County resident, have children in Maury County K-12 and have ID.


At the beginning of November, we will take applications for our Turkey Box.  Every family will receive a frozen turkey and a box of sides PER HOUSEHOLD.  You must be a Maury County Resident and have ID.

Santa’s Workshop

In December, we will take applications for Santa’s Workshop to give Maury County children toys for Christmas.  Parents must complete an application, provide ID and Social Security cards for all the children.

Fist Bump


We offer various education opportunities such as Budgeting Class, Anger Management Parenting, Lunch and Learns and programs for our homeless.


Our ChanceTN works towards increasing low-income families’ ability to exhibit self-sufficiency and upward economic mobility through community-driven wrap-around supports, family-centered coaching, equitable access to employment and education pathways, financial counseling, and benefit that mitigates the impact of the benefits cliff and increase caregivers' incentive to earn more.

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Click here for The Family Center confidentiality statement

(931) 388-3840

921 S Beckett Street
Columbia, TN 38401

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